How to Transfer a Domain From Godaddy to Namecheap


Domain transfers are a great way to move your website or blog from one hosting provider to another. You can transfer domains from godaddy to namecheap, or godaddy-to-godaddy if you prefer, without having to pay any additional fees. Here’s how it works:

How to Transfer a Domain From Godaddy to Namecheap

Sign in to your Godaddy account.

  • Sign in to your Godaddy account.
  • Go to the domains tab and select the domain you want to transfer from Godaddy and click “Transfer”.

Select the domain you want to transfer and click the “Transfer” button.

Remember that you’ll be transferring your domain from Godaddy to Namecheap, so it’s important that you select the name of your domain and click the “Transfer” button. This will transfer your website or blog to our platform and allow us to manage its new hosting, DNS settings and other important aspects of managing a website.

Once completed, there are additional steps we need to take before releasing control back over to you. You can do this by logging into our customer portal here: https://www-namecheap-support-portal/accounts/login

Select Namecheap as your new registear.

To transfer a domain from Godaddy to Namecheap, you will need to select Namecheap as your new registrar. Namecheap is a great registrar with excellent customer service and tools for managing your websites. You can also choose from many other features like free email aliases and web hosting packages.

Enter your Namecheap account information and payment information.

  • Enter your Namecheap account username and password
  • Enter your Namecheap email address
  • If you are paying with bitcoin or altcoins, enter the relevant information here

Wait for the transfer process to complete and then take note of which domain you transferred from godaddy to namecheap.

You will need to wait for the transfer process to complete and then take note of which domain you transferred from godaddy to namecheap. Once the transfer is complete, your domain will be transferred over and available for use immediately after that.

Transferring a domain from godaddy to namecheap is easy if you follow these steps

Transferring a domain from godaddy to namecheap is easy if you follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Godaddy account and go to ‘My Domain’ > ‘Manage Domains’. You should see all of the domains you’ve previously purchased or transferred over from Godaddy appear here, along with any new ones that have been added since then.
  • Click on ‘Transfer’ under any domain that you’d like to transfer out of Godaddy (and don’t forget about those parked domains!). This will take you through an interactive wizard where you can enter information about the new registrar where this particular domain will be going next–namecheap!


If you are looking to transfer a domain from godaddy to namecheap, follow the steps above and you will be able to do so in no time.

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